Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Brazil

The Brazilian strain of Psilocybe cubensis grows big, fleshy magic mushrooms, with a caramel-brown colour and yellow stems. The Brazil shroom is one of the fastest growing varieties of this type. Our Magic Mushroom Grow Kit allows even beginners to cultivate their own psychedelic mushrooms at home.

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Starting from € 50.95
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Easy Germination

Easy Germination

Cannabis Propagator

Cannabis Propagator


Zativo caters to private customers only, and does not supply commercial or industrial growers with large amounts of cannabis seeds. If we have reason to suspect that the ordered seeds are destined for growing cannabis on a larger-than-private scale, we reserve the right to dismiss that specific order. 


Magic Mushroom Grow Kit - Brazil: For an exotic, psychedelic treat

Brazilian magic mushrooms grow quickly and are brown and yellow, with large fruit bodies. Magic Mushrooms contain psilocybin and psilocin, which both create psychedelic experiences when ingested. They can be chewed and swallowed, or steeped in tea. Used in religious rituals for thousands of years, they create spiritual experiences, a heightened sense of colour, and euphoria. This grow kit will let you plan your own trippy experience at home, and is easy to take care of, even for beginners.

Go slow! A typical dose is between 1 to 2.5 grams.

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