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December 30th, 2022 Cannabis Info
Dealing with sleep troubles? Cannabis may be able to help. Here are 10 strains that are known to help users nod off and experience a restful night's slumber. Which one(s) will you choose?
December 20th, 2022 Cannabis Info
Our bodies need a break from time to time, whether it be from exercise, working, or in this case, cannabis consumption. Learn why it's important to take tolerance breaks, and how to do it effectively.
November 30th, 2022
Whether you have no choice but to grow indoors or you just prefer cultivating under a set of artificial lights, indoor cultivation is a reality for many home growers. In this article, we examine 10 excellent strains to add to your grow room or tent. And our selections are by no means exclusive—from indica to sativa and auto to photo, we cover all.
November 20th, 2022 How To • Other subjects
Many people aren't too keen on cleaning their bong after every session. But in this article, you'll find out exactly why it's important to keep your bong clean and maintained, when to clean it, and the best products and tips for the job.
October 30th, 2022
There has been a strong demand for high-potency cannabis strains over the past few years. Here is our top 10 list of some of the hardest-hitting THC-rich cultivars on the market today.
October 20th, 2022 Cannabis Info
Every cannabis enthusiast has their own top 10 list of favourite strains. Out of all the cultivars in existence, those featured on this list are some of the most popular. Whether classic or next-gen, each of these strains provides something special that others simply cannot match.
September 30th, 2022 News
There are many substances capable of producing mind-altering effects, with psychedelics being some of the most powerful. But which of these are the most potent? In this article, we break down the top 5 strongest psychedelics so you have an idea of what to expect from each one.
September 20th, 2022 Cooking With Cannabis • How To
In case you haven't heard about decarboxylation, it's a vital process your buds need to go through if you want to make edibles that can get you high. Thankfully, it's a very simple and easy process. Here's how you do it!
August 30th, 2022 Cannabis Info
Many recreational cannabis smokers experience a sore throat after a long and fun smoking session. If this happens to you, here are some ways to relieve yourself from the discomfort.
August 20th, 2022 Cannabis Cultivation
Here we investigate the potential causes of your cannabis plant's stems turning red or purple. Most of the time, this is nothing to worry about. However, in certain instances, it can be a genuine cause for concern. Find out what's behind this colourful phenomenon, and how to fix it when it poses a problem.