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June 20th, 2023 Cannabis Info • How To
Buying pre-rolls is fair game, but there's nothing quite like taking the time to roll your own joint. If you're new to the cannabis world, keep reading for an overview of three simple joint-rolling techniques.
May 30th, 2023 Cannabis Cultivation
Cannabis plants have the incredible ability to, under certain conditions, grow both male and female sex organs in order to pollinate themselves. But this trait isn't always so useful in the grow room! Find out everything you need to know about hermaphrodite weed.
May 20th, 2023 Cooking With Cannabis
You'll rarely meet somebody who dislikes syrup. This versatile sugary substance enhances the taste of a multitude of dishes. Now, what if we told you it's super easy to infuse syrup with THC? Below, you're going to find out exactly how to make this sugary treat, and how to put it to use in the kitchen.
April 30th, 2023 Cannabis Cultivation
Where do you live and grow? In the cold north? The Mediterranean? Regardless of where you're situated, there are a variety of cannabis strains out there that are perfectly compatible with your surroundings. Discover the very best cultivar for your situation for the best results possible.
April 20th, 2023 Cannabis Cultivation
What do you imagine when you think of weed? Probably luscious, green plants, right? Well, what if we told you that all cannabis plants aren't green? Some of them develop into bright and stunning purple specimens. Discover why this happens and how you can experience this in your own growing space.
March 30th, 2023 News
The idea may seem outdated, but pigeons are still used as a medium to smuggle drugs into prison. Find out about recent examples of pigeons being caught smuggling drugs, messages, and other contraband around the world.
March 20th, 2023 News
Modern science has opened the door to the possibility of producing THC from yeast. Whilst it's certainly exciting, don't throw away your pots and seeds just yet!
February 20th, 2023 Cannabis Info
∆⁸-THC is similar to "regular" THC, with a few important differences. As a cannabis compound rapidly gaining popularity, read on to learn all you need to know about ∆⁸'s proposed effects, legality, safety, and accessibility.
January 30th, 2023 Medical Cannabis
There are thought to be around 120 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Even more exciting is that these cannabinoids mimic those created by our very own bodies. These belong to the endocannabinoid system, and it is via this system that cannabis is able to influence our body. Find out what you need to know.
January 20th, 2023 Cannabis Cultivation
If you have the space and desire, outdoor cultivation is a great way to grow cannabis. Here is a list of 10 strains that thrive outdoors, delivering large yields of potent and flavourful buds.