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February 20th, 2025 Cannabis Info • Medical Cannabis
Which temperature should you set your vaporizer to in order to experience the best effects from your weed? Keep reading for an in-depth look at cannabis vaporizer temperatures.
January 30th, 2023 Medical Cannabis
There are thought to be around 120 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Even more exciting is that these cannabinoids mimic those created by our very own bodies. These belong to the endocannabinoid system, and it is via this system that cannabis is able to influence our body. Find out what you need to know.
May 28th, 2020 Medical Cannabis
Medical marijuana can help with a variety of conditions, but to use it effectively, you need a baseline of knowledge. Read on to learn about different varieties of cannabis, different methods of ingestion, and how to choose the strain that's right for you. By the end, you should have a strong working knowledge of this promising medicine.
April 30th, 2020 Medical Cannabis
Curious about CBD oil? Want to see if it's right for you, but unsure of how to talk to your doctor? Here's everything you need to prepare for your appointment.
January 9th, 2020 How To • Medical Cannabis
With so many CBD oils currently claiming to be of high quality or high purity, it can be hard to know who to trust. Luckily, by learning more about how hemp is grown, how CBD is extracted, and why third-party testing is important, you can get a better idea of how pure your oil is, and how trustworthy your favourite brand really is.
November 29th, 2019 Cannabis Info • Medical Cannabis
High-THC flowers are great, but it's not practical to get absolutely stoned in the middle of the day. Low-THC cannabis strains offer medicinal and recreational users a more feasible option when working or on the go.
November 14th, 2019 Cannabis Info • Medical Cannabis
In this article, we show you the best ways to consume CBD. We compare a wide range of products that are available on the market today, and even give you some advice on what to look for when purchasing them!
October 31st, 2019 Cannabis Info • Medical Cannabis
Antibiotic resistance is being viewed as one of the largest emerging health threats. Cannabis is a diverse chemical factory that may synthesise some solutions to this intimidating issue. Read on to find out how it could help.
March 28th, 2017 Medical Cannabis
Some people worry about not passing drug tests (at their workplace for example) because of using CBD oil. Read this article to find out if this is a realistic thing to worry about.
March 14th, 2017 Medical Cannabis
Evidence is growing, that the cannabinoid THC is an excellent sleep aid for those who suffer from sleep disorders ranging from insomnia to sleep apnea.