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Published: January 30th, 2016
Cooking With Cannabis
Fancy making your own hash infused lollipops? We certainly did, and thought we would share our recipe with you so you can make your own!
Combining cannabis and cooking an excellent way to let lose your creativity within the kitchen. It is an extremely rewarding experience, and the fact you end up with your own, handmade, cannabis infused goods to enjoy at the end of it all only makes things better. And what better way to get high than with your own homemade hash infused lollipops. This sweet, easy to make candy will have you floating high as a kite, and give you a sumptuously tasty way to get high on the go.
Note: You this may work with a vegetarian alternative to the gelatine mix, but we have not tried it.
1. Take your non-stick baking tray and spread your lollipop stick across it evenly – ready for the eventual candy. If you are fancy, and are using a lollipop mould, then put the sticks in it ready for use.
2. Pour your chosen powdered gelatine mix into a bowl.
3. Crumble your hash into the bowl, then mix it all together.
4. Put your saucepan on a low heat and place the candy thermometer standing up in it.
5. Add the sugar, corn syrup, and butter into the pan. Stir the mix constantly until it is liquid and boiling.
6. Once boiling, stop stirring and increase the heat.
7. Continue to allow the mixture to heat up until it reaches 140 degrees Celsius on your thermometer. This is important, as it will determine how hard your candy sets.
Note: For the next two steps, time is of the essence, your mix will begin to cool down very quickly.
8. Now, turn off your heat, take your thermometer out and pour in your gelatine/hash mix. Stir it together quickly and thoroughly with your whisk to ensure an even spread.
9. Carefully (as it will be extremely hot and sticky!), take your ice-cream scoop and scoop out the mix onto the end of your lollipop sticks. About 1 spoonful should be enough for a nice rounded shape if poured carefully.
10. Your hash lollipops should be hard and ready to eat within 30 minutes of cooling!
There you have it, making hash lollipops could not be easier! You now have some tasty candy ready to enjoy at your own leisure, or share on an outing with friends. Have fun!