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Published: December 29th, 2015
Fun Stuff
Someone in Australia decided that it would be an excellent idea to compare stoners to sloths. The idea itself is pretty genius and the execution, including the costume of the “Stoner Sloth”, is also well done. If you watch these ads and you are not laughing, you really have to get some psychological assistance to figure out the general problems you are facing in life.
It’s not really possible to stay serious when writing about a campaign like this. We can only try. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to make people think about their consumption of various illegal and legal mind-altering substances, especially younger people whose brains are not fully developed need to be careful.
If the result of this train of thoughts is Stoner Sloth, we have a serious problem of how to bring this message across. Even younger kids are not stupid and have a good sense for when adults or someone else tries to fool them. If we want our kids to not be stoned all the time, attending school, and live a happy life, it would be better to communicate to them on eye-level without exaggerating the potential risks and benefits of this plant.
To draw a quick conclusion: Good job Australia! You just made the most entertaining anti-cannabis campaign since the release of “Reefer Madness” in 1936. Will it stop people from smoking weed? No! Will it make people want to roll a spliff, pack a bowl or bong, and watch these ads in continous loop? Yes! Awwwwww, Stoner Sloth.