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Published: February 14th, 2018
Cannabis Info
Although vaping is one of the healthier ways to consume cannabis, some individuals enjoy the art of rolling their bud. Not only is it easy, but it's also a more discreet way to smoke weed. In fact, cannabis enthusiasts have been rolling for centuries.
Today, vaporizing is by far the most popular consumption method of them all. However, rolling up weed is a skill that remains to be common all across the globe. If you are not familiar with rolling, there are three main types: blunts, joints, and spliffs, all of which use different papers and content.
Spliffs and joints only contain cannabis. However, blunts are traditionally rolled using a tobacco leaf (wrapper). On the other hand, joints use much lighter paper. Not to mention, joints often come with a crutch, aka a paper filter. Not only does the crutch add stability to the roll, but it also helps you by avoiding any burning of the fingers.
Spliffs, in particular, are hybrids. In other words, they use both tobacco and cannabis. In like manner of joints, spliffs also have a crutch.
Although joints, spliffs, and blunts are similar in that they involve rolling cannabis, their differences are based on what you experience with each. For example, tobacco can give you quite the head rush. In fact, it can even cause a similar feeling to the one you get from a cup of coffee. This "buzz," if you will, is most notable in spliffs due to their loose tobacco content. When it comes to big hits, blunts wear the crown due to the interaction of tobacco and cannabis. Although blunts can compliment a sativa, they may do the opposite to indica effects.
The papers you choose can significantly influence your smoking experience. Not only do they differ in flavor and quality, but they also burn differently. The thinner the paper, the slower it will burn.
In regards to joints, consumers tend to use loose papers. Likewise, loose papers can be used for spliffs, as well as pre-rolls, all in which require great concentration to ensure all the goods stay intact.
Of course, many consumers prefer to enjoy the aromas of cannabis rather than disguise them, which some wrappers can do. Especially blunts, being that their wraps come in many sweet flavors. Although some consumers think additive flavors interfere with the aromas of cannabis, some believe they add a pleasant taste.
Some rolling methods are easier than others.Therefore, users keep this in mind when choosing between papers. When looking for the right paper, the basic requirements are as such: no tears, burn well, handles well in the hands, and seals properly. An important thing to watch for is how your roll is burning. For example, if your joint is burning on one side and not the other, you've failed at rolling.
In general, cannabis culture varies all over the world. Thus, so does the use of joints, blunts, and spliffs. While spliffs are popular in Europe, joints are seen as a waste. However, as cannabis accessibility and popularity changes, so might the preferences of rolling ganja. Consumers in the US, in particular, tend to favor joints over spliffs, assumingly due to the adverse health effects of tobacco being often advertised by the media.
The terminology of spliffs, blunts, and joints also differ around the world. For example, a joint in Europe is a roll that combines cannabis and tobacco. However, the US defines a joint as containing strictly cannabis. As for a spliff, Europeans roll cannabis exclusively, while the Americans combine tobacco with the herb.
The art of rolling cannabis is yet another way to consume your favorite strains of bud. However, vaporizing continues to be a more popular way of getting high. Moreover, vaporizing is also healthier, despite the differences of blunts, spliffs, and joints.