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Published: July 11th, 2016
Medical Cannabis
Browse the web and you'll find plenty of anecdotal stories about people who have successfully treated a wide range of serious medical conditions with cannabis oils, but which one is the best? Or are they all the same?
Cancer patients swear by Rick Simpson Oil while parents claim CBD Oil is way better than any prescription med for their children's seizures. Both concentrates appear to have a number of therapeutic benefits, but they're also very different in many important ways. Let's take a closer look and clear up any confusion.
Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO for short, is an extremely concentrated oil made by extracting a full range of cannabinoids from medical-grade Indicas, the same kind of smoke you'd use if you want to get a nice couchlocking stone. When made correctly, RSO has 60% or more THC plus about 15% CBD.
It takes about a 500g of high-grade weed to create a mere 60g of, and it's so strong that it takes new patients about three months to go through that amount. Even if you're a regular smoker, this stuff would probably hit you like a ton of bricks until you get used to it.
RSO is extremely thick, nearly black, and usually stored in a syringe so that patients or their caregivers can measure out a precise dosage. To start, most patients eat a tiny bit of RSO, roughly equal the size of a half a grain of rice, every eight hours. From there, as their tolerance builds, they slowly work their way up to about a gram a day and stay there until they resolve their medical problem. After that, most people use a smaller, maintenance dose for a while as a precaution.
While Rick Simpson Oil hasn't been studied by researchers, there are many real, everyday people out there who have used RSO to help treat their illness. If you're curious, check out the testimonials on Rick Simpson's official site or find a user forum with members who've had experience with RSO. People are not shy about sharing their stories.
Sounds great, right? It is, but here's the rub. RSO is incredibly illegal, even in places where you can legally smoke a joint just for fun. It takes a lot of really high-grade cannabis to create a very small amount of RSO, and that makes it very expensive. Lastly, the Internet is filled with people trying to cash in on RSO, and most, if not all, are scamming people who're desperate for help.
If you need Rick Simpson Oil, the best thing to do is grow your own medical strain and make your own. Rick Simpson has all the information you need on his website if you have the time and the resources to take on this project.
CBD Oil, on the other hand, is made from hemp. Hemp is very closely related to recreational/medicinal cannabis, but it's a high-fiber plant that's more commonly used commercially to make rope, cotton-like fabric, paper and hempcrete. The beautiful thing about hemp is that it has a high percentage of CBD with almost no THC.
It still takes about a 500g of hemp to make 60g of CBD oil, but hemp is much cheaper than recreational cannabis. Hemp is also legal to grow throughout Europe (some countries require a license, however), and it's very easy to cultivate. It can be planted in fields like corn, and wild hemp grows in roadside ditches around the world.
CBD Oil generally comes packaged in a glass bottle with a dropper for easy dosing. It's dark in colour, but not nearly as thick as RSO. It contains almost no THC (trace amounts <0.2%), but a high percentage of CBD - usually between 2 and 4%. That means it's not psychoactive and won't get you high.
People can start off with higher dosages and increase their daily intake much faster once they know how it affects them. Even if you choose a product with a lower percentage of CBD, the ability to take higher dosages means a higher total amount of CBD can be ingested in a short period of time, theoretically giving you an increased benefit.
While RSO is only backed up by anecdotal success stories for the most part, CBD has been the subject of numerous official research studies. In lab settings, CBD has been proven to kill cancer cells, stop cancer from spreading, and control inflammation. CBD is also the main cannabinoid in Charlotte's Web, the medical strain credited for controlling intractable seizures in children when prescription medications have failed.
People who don't have a serious medical condition also enjoy CBD Oil. Most describe the feeling as very relaxing with a calm, soothing effect and recommend it for stress, anxiety or even insomnia.
To conclude, CBD Oil should not be confused with Rick Simpson Oil. RSO is a high-THC product that is illegal to make, use or possess in almost every country, even those where you can lawfully smoke dried flowers, but it has been reported to cure many chronic or even fatal diseases. CBD Oil, on the other hand, is a high-CBD product with practically no THC that's legal almost everywhere and may help with many conditions but, by itself, is not considered a cure at this time.
Unfortunately we're not allowed to produce/sell Rick Simpson Oil, but we do offer CBD Oil with 3.9% CBD from the highest quality. Please be aware that Zativo CBD Oil is intended for use as a dietary supplement only. It's not meant to be used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.